Saxon Shore Way

One day I took the dog for a walk when I had the idea to photograph life along the Saxon Shore Way. A nice little project to last through 2018 I thought to myself. When I returned home I Googled the Saxon Shore Way, and it turns out it runs from Gravesend to Hastings, that is 163 miles!! So clearly this project is going to take just a little longer than I thought, but there is definitely a book to come out of this one, which should hopefully make trekking all those miles well worth it.

The images you see here are from the small stretch from The Sportsman in Seasalter to the beach huts just east of Whitstable. Three miles down, 160 to go.

If you would like to join me for any leg of my journey you would be more than welcome, so GET IN TOUCH and lets get it in the diary.

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