Brick Lane Part I

It really wasn’t that long ago that I discovered Brick Lane and it’s potential for supplying me with an awesome backdrop for street photography. It is a multi cultural area which attracts people from all walks of life, which is why it is the setting for so many street photography workshops, including one of mine. Some days you can struggle to walk down the street without bumping into a photographer. Brick Lane to me is the new Camden, full of hipsters, tourists and people who you just can’t categorise. On a Sunday all this vibrance comes into it’s own with a market that spans a huge stretch of the street. So for those of us who just look average, it is a great place for blending in with the crowd and waiting for opportunity to arise. The street images in this gallery were all shot on the same day which demonstrates it’s rich potential. My personal favourite is the shop worker giving me the eyes as she empties water from some sort of steam machine onto the street. Eye contact is a no no for many street photographers, but I like it. It provides added interest and often an intensity to an image, this is a perfect example of that for sure!

Copyright © 2020 Simon Hawkins Pictures – All rights reserved