Lockdown Portraits
In times of adversity documentary photographers find a way to keep snapping and telling the story of the life and times of the people around them. The lockdown and this awful pandemic has been a challenge for so many of us, in so many ways, and not least the children. I felt it was important, […]
Boa Vista
Portraits of Memphis
Car Boot
Saxon Shore Way
One day I took the dog for a walk when I had the idea to photograph life along the Saxon Shore Way. A nice little project to last through 2018 I thought to myself. When I returned home I Googled the Saxon Shore Way, and it turns out it runs from Gravesend to Hastings, that […]
Country Life
This place is my families little piece of muddy heaven, and the setting for what I hope to be a life long project, unless my wife makes me move to the seaside (extremely possible). True country life is almost a thing of the past, certainly in Kent, so it is something I am passionate about […]
Youth Strike 4 Climate – Caterbury
Stood in front of the students I felt a sense of pride as they called out what schools they were from, launched into a chorus of chants and took to the streets of Canterbury in protest. I am no environmentalist, but I understand their passion for the planet and their right to stand up for […]